Chicken Cream Stew

Right now I’m drunk, but in a happy way. All the overtime work seems to pay off, well, at least for today. My mind is constantly occupied by work recently and that’s not good. I’m far far away from the Zen state that you eat when you eat and you sleep when you sleep. Keep…

Spicy Chicken Stew

Happy New Year! I made it, to form a habit of writing a post weekly! I’ll keep it up! Now for the new year, we try something new ;). Most spicy chicken recipe we tried involves a bit of deep frying, not very healthy, right? This one is different. It’s more like a stew, in…

Steamed Shrimps with Garlic

We didn’t get the chance to write the post yesterday since we were busy preparing the VISA applications. That’s right, my first visit to the US. After we were done it was too late and I didn’t feel like rushing through writing this recipe since it doesn’t match with the mood when you are making this…

Pan Fried Chicken Wings

There are lots of recipes for chicken wings and this is one of my favorites. It’s super easy and if you like the pure taste of crispy chicken wings, this is definitely the recipe for you 🙂 The original one is 盐煎鸡翅 from 下厨房. Ingredients: 1. 7 to 10 chicken wings 2. 1/4 tbsp cooking oil 3. sea…

Duck Breast Stir Fry with Pineapple

OK this recipe consists of two ingredients we’ve been waiting for weeks to try out: duck breast and pineapples. And they are finally on sale! At first we didn’t plan to mix them together. However, doing a bit search on Google, there are actually some great recipes out there using both. We thought it would…

Spicy Pan Fried Pork Ribs with Peppers

This week I spent some time exploring the downtown of Toronto. This is definitely a city for foodies!!! There are so many local markets with a variety types of groceries, including one of my favorites, short pork ribs. They are perfect for this crispy and spicy dish. This dish is supposed to serve two, but I…

Rice with Teriyaki Salmon and Avocado

This is a follow-up post of the avocado recipe we posted last week.  We just don’t want to stop with eggs. This time we combine avocado with salmon and they are just perfect. They are both rich in unsaturated fat as well, which are good for your health. The original recipe is called 三文鱼牛油果拌饭 from…

Steamed Shrimp with Egg Tofu

One week count down before moving! We are selling all stuffs we could sell, including kitchenware. So without all those handy tools, we have to switch to something simple for a while. Today we present you this simple steamed shrimp recipe. Ingredients: 1. One egg tofu 2. (Cooked) Shrimps and pees. You may need about…

Lamb Shoulder Stew (and Noodle Soup)

This is the first post in my between-job period. Two days free at home I’ve already felt bored. But one thing I do like about it is that I have more time for cooking and reading recipes. I also promised my wife that she won’t have to cook for the next a few weeks. This…

Soup Noodles with Braised Beef Flank

OK, this is the follow-up recipe of Braised Beef Flank with Long White Radish. As mentioned, the leftover is perfect for noodles! It’s very simple, almost making me feel like cheating to post it. Ingredients: 1. leftover of the braised beef flank 2. half bunch of spinach leaves (add more if you like) 3. cereal noodle…